
瀨戶內海藝術行 終點站 ✤ 高松港

final stop Takamatsu Port, Setouchi Triennale Fall season 2016

171   Liminal Air -core-   おおまきしんじ   大巻伸嗣  Shinji Ohmaki

Two eight-meter high pillars stand at Takamatsu Port. Partly covered with mirrors, the colorful pillars reflect the views of the surrounding port, the sea, and the buildings, altering their appearance depending on where the viewer stands, the time of day, and other circumstances. The pillars visualize the Takamatsu environment and, at the same time, they also reflect the person looking at them.」

173  Banker, Nurse, Detective, Lawyer /「銀行家、看護師、探偵、弁護士」/「銀行家、護士、偵探、律師」 Julian Opie

There are four stone sculptures near Kotoden Takamatsu-Chikko station. They are the Banker in black marble, the Nurse in Aji stone, the Detective in limestone, and the Lawyer in black granite. Made with locally-produced stone, the sculptures have a modern feel.

當我們的瀨戶內海藝術行程由男木島回程到高松港,也是接近藝術行程的尾聲。高松市/港設置許多作品,分布太廣,我們只選了這回藝術祭的主宣傳作品跟英國藝術家Julie Opie 的作品,其中,Julie Opie的作品我們在2013年London市區商業辦公大樓外牆就欣賞了她的燈箱裝置藝術,又今年初,在香港的Art Basel, 我也看到另ㄧ件,燈箱裝置作品,在藝術季文宣品看到不免想見識,這回作品是單純立體雕塑,矗立在車站行道上,一點也不衝突,很融入市區景觀!

Takamatsu port was our final stop art touring on Setouchi at this holiday. 

The Liminal-Air-core-  couldn't be missed as standing at the bay of the port. 
And we selected British artist, Julie Opie's work for the ending of our Setouchi trip.  We had seen her piece first time in London, 2013, it was an  installation of lighting motion on the building. In addition, I happened to catch up her another piece at the Art Basel Hong Kong in this spring. Apart from these two works, her pieses were presented as stone sculptures and stand in front of underground station at the city of Takamatsu, still, simple shapes of figures, were perfectly  alone with the city landscape.

 PS. Julie Opie  /  "Ruth Walking in Jeans"  London

"people 1, coloured 2015" at Art Basel HK 2016

2016.11.4 afternoon



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