Düsseldorf Hauptbahnhof, since 1891 |
Königsallee 國王大道 |
Tritonenbrunnen |
narrow streets Alstadt 老城區 |
Pfarrkirche St Cäcilia Benrath |
Rhine Promenade |
地鐵建設發現杜塞道夫地下古城 |
K20 |
Köe-Bogen, modern architecture in urban regeneration project |
Oberkassel, Rheinufer 萊茵河畔步行道 |
Rhine Tower (Rheinturm) 萊茵電視塔 |
Media Harbour |
根據維基百科,杜塞道夫建城歷史悠久 ,經過無數歷史上的大小戰爭摧毀再建,現代與歷史建物並存在這個城市,但一點都不衝突。雖然是德國的第七個城市,但確是經貿與設計重要城市。
This was the second time my hub and I travelled between cities in Europe by railways from 17th April, since I joint the design workshop in Boisbuchet France, years ago. As we did have a pleasant memory with the train journey at that time. Somehow, it was by chance we visited Düsseldorf for our first stop of our travelling, it was the city on the half way, we were going to meet up my German friend from the college's time. Nevertheless, we were so delighted touring this historical city with cultures, new arts and new designs.
"Düsseldorf is an international business and financial centre, renowned for its fashion and trade fairs. The city is headquarters to one Fortune Global 500 and two DAX companies. Messe Düsseldorf organises nearly one fifth of premier trade shows." from Wikipedia
thank you for messages!