
Museum Schloss Moyland

the Moyland Castle Museum

Moyland Schloss, since 1307

the artwork at the sculpture park

the artwork at the sculpture park

博物館參觀指標,源自Beuys'的影片作品"How to explain pictures to a dead Hare"

Sled 1969

Die Zweite Haut (The Second Skin)  


如果我們這回沒有去拜訪朋友,也可能不會參訪Schloss Moyland, 這座位於距離荷蘭邊境僅有1小時車程的德國北萊茵城堡,原因很簡單,這不是觀光客搭乘公共交通系統就可以抵達。
Schloss Moyland 始1307年建,歲月摧殘到20世紀初現代殘破,繼承的後代無力修復;直到1990-1997年由基金會修復改建為Joseph Beuys centre;館藏20世紀德國藝術家 Joseph Beuys 作品
除了城堡,戶外的綠地也裝置許多當代藝術家的作品,城堡的側翼也有定期的當代藝術展覽,這回碰巧“The Second Skin"的展覽,20位藝術家的作品,使用不同媒材表現,透過平面與立體作品隱喻人類與自然環境關係以及角色;引人深思的環境議題。

Schloss Moyland was a historic castle, until 1990-1997 was renovated by the Foundation Schloss Moyland as the collections of Joseph Beuys Centre. 
Actually, I didn't know Beuys' conceptual art, even though I had a contemporary art seminar at my undergraduate's degree studies. Fortunately, I didn't have to write an essay about Bueys' works; otherwise I would fail my studies. On the other hand, it was so great I could learn more about Beuys' concepts from this trip.
Moreover, there was always a regular exhibition at the wing of the Castle; "the Second Skin" was on, when we visited, it was very impressive exhibiting through photography, sculpture and installation about relationships between the human and the natural environments. 
To be honestly, my hub and I wouldn't be the Museum as it was a route  by "cars", only; thanks to my friend take us there. 



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