
re-organised studio's space

a space for displaying our artworks

a space for the coffee break; a work table for printmaking

a space for3 Dimension's works

a space for the business cards; a space for display our portfolio..

上週末,外子又重新整理跟藍圖工作室;劃分作雕塑的區域、版畫區域(預留位置給版畫機)、攝影暗房、油畫區域,我們太貪心,小小空間要具備所有功能。搬了一些之前我們兩展覽的舊作,掛在牆上作了一個ART WALL。除此之外,他也DIY了一個放平面作品portfolio的木架、門口處放名片的木盒,看起來很shabby,但是我們就喜歡這種沒有修飾的感覺。


We have an Art Wall at the studio,what we display our prints and paintings, some are from our last exhibition at the gallery.


ps. done few hand-printed cards for friends, yap! it is just craft!!

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