
Interior Light by Lynn Silverman

( 2007/12/27)

(from  http://www.theditions.com/cz/blog/lookout-for-lynn-silverman.html)

Lynn Silverman 是我喜愛的藝術家之一
White Chapel gallery 1996 "Inside the Visible" 中的兩件Silverman

(*Chromaticity 光之舞 Photographic works)

IV American Academy CIS profolio

(issused by 2005/7)

*Logo design 設計概念--
IV American Academy是以教學兒童美語成立中心-當設計靈感來自Alphabet作為圖形的基礎而創造出字母型態的人型 來敘述整個語言中心的教學兒童形象 意圖打破傳統的語言中心的識別形象-再者 色彩學的三原色為基本色調 更是以色彩角度意識形態來說明語言中心 以基本的元素加上創意教學來豐富多彩的教學文化-因為以上兩個主要元素: 單一衍生出來這一系列的IV American Academy文化企業形象

Work for Katherine's Collections Co

(original issued by 2005/7/7)

To work for the Katherine's Collections Co what was not a chagllent job at all. On the other hand, it was physically the most tired job, I've ever taken. To work for the hotel room decorating, which was the main work, as I worked at Katherine's Collections Co;my job was about from 2 demensions to 3 demensions design ; inclulding to graphic desings, photoshooings, table flower designs, and interior decorations.
Apart from the design work, I was also on duty to clean the hotel rooms, after finished the furnishing, as a house cleaner. The work experience was extraordenary with unpleant, but had built up more works for my portfolio.

藏俬公司的工作:在於使用成品家具飾品使用 與裝飾室內空間,除了少數平面設計與花飾設計的運用個人創意。也是我在視覺空間表達的經驗-從平面與色彩延伸運用立體表達

*the Katherine's Collections Logo Design-因公司設立在於收集成品的家飾,logo 採用設立人英文名稱與喜好紫色來延伸設計 簡單訴求公司的經營方針與個性

*Graphic Poster Design--為飯店VIP客房設計客房名稱平面說明 ,將客房的概念依視覺表現,讓旅客於進入房門第一印象,也藉由影像說明讓房客融入空間氣氛。

*Photoshooting for the company's procducts -公司的成品的家飾,多半設計上有反差的內容及仿歐洲宮殿家飾:裝飾多於實用性質,因此在產品攝影上:以強調家飾的特色,而非設計本身。而用意在飾品本體的裝飾性運用的商業產品攝影
*Table Flower Designs --運用花與色植物的自然色彩創造簡潔的現代概念設計,並無意使用所謂的花道流

* Interior Decorations- 飯店客房仿英國維多利亞時期的生活空間,因此在牆飾上以選擇仿版畫數張裝飾同一牆面,試圖展現當時的生活文化空間,而複製畫也刻意選取歐洲仕女的華麗鞋圖,讓人想像維多利亞時期的豐富生活文化

The profolio of this assigment

New Label Design for DNA

(Orignal Posted on 2005.7)

Basically, it was a commerical design proposal.

The concept of this design was based on a nature green colour; to point out the product to be healthy for helping digusting systems in the human body.

DNA 生化科技食品產業 (這個設計並未使用只是一項提案)

設計概念--以我的一貫手法 Simple 運用簡單健康走向 因而使用綠色及細胞核的構想

*DNA New Desing's Packages 產品包裝

CIS design for Zylux Co. Company

(Original post on 2005/7/7)
Two parts of this design job
*Editing Logo

*Zylux 以音箱的科技OEM公司接受的訂單包刮Philips, Kenwood, IBM, Acer等知名品牌 Brochure的設計以基本的概念-"高科技專業形象產業"來啟發因而注重在First Impression 所以整體設計走向--黑,灰 ,藍光表現出高科技冷感背景色來強化主角產品 更塑造專業形象 焦點視線於產品本身的品質訴求

*Details of Design


Chromaticity at TIVAC Taipei 2003

攝影的真實與真像溝通 (communication) 意念並非在此所全然探索。而是絕大在於表達創作者本身的思維方向;敘訴主觀的非意識空間現象 (phenomenon) 與客觀的概念思想(the other points of views).

I have travelled over England and Europe, which has influenced my way of thinking and philosophy as an artist.

I use the camera lens as my eyes, to define objects from different points of views. These monochromatic prints are based on light & shadow, and I try to create atmospheres based around my environment rather than staging images, as in Traditional Photography.

Using fibre based (photographic) paper, produces prints which have strong rich tones and dynamic visual impact.